SM-Joomla-Starthilfen:Joomla Plugins
System plugin
- onBeforeRender()
- onAfterRender()
- onAfterRoute()
- onAfterDispatch()
These events are triggered in 'JAdministrator' class in file 'application.php' at location 'Joomla_base\administrator\includes'.
- onAfterInitialise()
This event is triggered in 'JApplication' class in file 'application.php' at location 'Joomla_base\libraries\joomla\application'.
Content plugin
content events are triggered during content creation process.
- onContentPrepare($context, &$item, &$params, $offset)
- onContentAfterTitle($context, &$item, &$params, $offset)
- onContentBeforeDisplay($context, &$item, &$params, $offset)
- onContentAfterDisplay($context, &$item, &$params, $offset)
These events are triggered in 'ContentViewArticle' class in file 'view.html.php' at location 'Joomla_base\components\com_content\views\article'. where, $item = It is reference to the article being rendered by the view. $params = It is reference to the array of relevant parameters as determined by the view. $offset = It is the integer which determines the 'page' of the content that is to be generated. $context - It is the context where this event was triggered(example,'com_content.article').
- onContentPrepareForm($form, $data)
- onContentPrepareData($context, $data)
These events are triggered in 'ContactModelContact' class in file 'contact.php' at location 'Joomla_base\components\com_contact\models'. where, $form - It is the JForm Object to be displayed. $data - It is the object containing data for the form . $context - It is the context where this event was triggered(example,'com_users.profile').
User plugin
- onUserLogin($response, $options)
- onUserLoginFailure($response)
- onUserLogout($parameters, $options)
- onUserLogoutFailure($parameters)
These events are triggered in 'JApplication' class in file 'application.php' at location 'Joomla_base\libraries\joomla\application'.
- onUserBeforeSave($getproperties, $isNew, $properties)
- onUserAfterSave($getproperties, $isNew, $result, $error)
- onUserBeforeDelete($getproperties)
- onUserAfterDelete($getproperties,$result, $error)
These events are triggered in 'JUser' class in file 'user.php' at location 'Joomla_base\libraries\joomla\user'.
Authentication plugin
- onUserAuthorisation($response, $options)
This event is triggered in 'JAuthentication' class in file 'authentication.php' at location 'Joomla_base\libraries\joomla\user'. where, $response = response including username of the user to authorise $options = list of options
- onUserAuthorisationFailure($authorisation)
This event is triggered in 'JApplication' class in file 'application.php' at location 'Joomla_base\libraries\joomla\application'.
Editors plugin
- onInit()
- onSave($id)
- onSetContent($id)
- onCustomEditorButton (editors-xtd)
- onDisplay($name, $content, $width, $height, $col, $row, $buttons = true, $id = null, $asset = null,
$author = null, $params = array())
- onGetContent($id)
- onGetInsertMethod($name)
Search plugin
- onContentSearch($keyword,$match,$ordering,$areas)
- onContentSearchAreas()
These events are triggered in 'SearchModelSearch' class in file 'search.php' at location 'Joomla_base\components\com_search\models'.
Contact plugin
These events are triggered during contact form submission. These events are triggered in 'ContactControllerContact' class in file 'contact.php' at location 'Joomla_base\components\com_contact\controllers'.
- onSubmitContact(&$contact, &$data) - Triggered when passed form Validation.
- onValidateContact(&$contact, &$data) - Triggered when form Validation succeeded.An example would be validating a captcha.
Where, $contact = It is reference to the person submitting contact. $data = It is reference to the POST variable defined as below. $data = JRequest::getVar('jform', array(), 'post', 'array');